Freigeben über


This structure describes the PCI configuration space for PCI devices.

typedef struct _PCI_COMMON_CONFIG {
  USHORT VendorID; 
  USHORT DeviceID; 
  USHORT Command; 
  USHORT Status;
  UCHAR RevisionID; 
  UCHAR ProgIf; 
  UCHAR SubClass; 
  UCHAR BaseClass; 
  UCHAR CacheLineSize; 
  UCHAR LatencyTimer; 
  UCHAR HeaderType; 

  union {
    struct _PCI_HEADER_TYPE_0 {
      ULONG BaseAddresses[PCI_TYPE0_ADDRESSES];
      ULONG CIS;
      USHORT SubVendorID;
      USHORT SubSystemID;
      ULONG ROMBaseAddress;
      ULONG Reserved2[2];

      UCHAR InterruptLine; 
      UCHAR InterruptPin; 
      UCHAR MinimumGrant; 
      UCHAR MaximumLatency; 
    } type0;

    struct _PCI_HEADER_TYPE_1 {
      ULONG BaseAddresses[PCI_TYPE1_ADDRESSES];
      UCHAR PrimaryBusNumber;
      UCHAR SecondaryBusNumber;
      UCHAR SubordinateBusNumber;
      UCHAR SecondaryLatencyTimer;
      UCHAR IOBase;
      UCHAR IOLimit;
      USHORT SecondaryStatus;
      USHORT MemoryBase;
      USHORT MemoryLimit;
      USHORT PrefetchableMemoryBase;
      USHORT PrefetchableMemoryLimit;
      ULONG PrefetchableMemoryBaseUpper32;
      ULONG PrefetchableMemoryLimitUpper32;
      USHORT IOBaseUpper;
      USHORT IOLimitUpper;
      ULONG Reserved2;
      ULONG ExpansionROMBase;
      UCHAR InterruptLine;
      UCHAR InterruptPin;
      USHORT BridgeControl;
    } type1;

    struct _PCI_HEADER_TYPE_2 {
      ULONG BaseAddress;
      UCHAR CapabilitiesPtr;
      UCHAR Reserved2;
      USHORT SecondaryStatus;
      UCHAR PrimaryBusNumber;
      UCHAR CardbusBusNumber;
      UCHAR SubordinateBusNumber;
      UCHAR CardbusLatencyTimer;
      ULONG MemoryBase0;
      ULONG MemoryLimit0;
      ULONG MemoryBase1;
      ULONG MemoryLimit1;
      USHORT IOBase0_LO;
      USHORT IOBase0_HI;
      USHORT IOLimit0_LO;
      USHORT IOLimit0_HI;
      USHORT IOBase1_LO;
      USHORT IOBase1_HI;
      USHORT IOLimit1_LO;
      USHORT IOLimit1_HI;
      UCHAR InterruptLine;
      UCHAR InterruptPin;
      USHORT BridgeControl;
      USHORT SubVendorID;
      USHORT SubSystemID;
      ULONG LegacyBaseAddress;
      UCHAR Reserved3[56];
      ULONG SystemControl;
      UCHAR MultiMediaControl;
      UCHAR GeneralStatus;
      UCHAR Reserved4[2];
      UCHAR GPIO0Control;
      UCHAR GPIO1Control;
      UCHAR GPIO2Control;
      UCHAR GPIO3Control;
      ULONG IRQMuxRouting;
      UCHAR RetryStatus;
      UCHAR CardControl;
      UCHAR DeviceControl;
      UCHAR Diagnostic;
    } type2;

  } u;

  UCHAR DeviceSpecific[108];



  • VendorID
    PCI vendor identifier register.
  • DeviceID
    PCI device identifier register.
  • Command
    PCI command register.
  • Status
    PCI status register.
  • RevisionID
    PCI revision identifier register.
  • ProgIf
    PCI programming interface register.
  • SubClass
    PCI device sub-class register.
  • BaseClass
    PCI device base-class register.
  • CacheLineSize
    PCI cache line size register.
  • LatencyTimer
    PCI latency timer register.
  • HeaderType
    PCI header type register. The following table shows possible values.
    Value Description
    0 Indicates a typical PCI device.
    1 Indicates a PCI-PCI bridge.
    2 Indicates a PCI-CardBus bridge.
  • BIST
    PCI built-in self-test register.
  • u.type0.BaseAddresses
    Array of PCI base address registers. Typical PCI devices have six base address registers, while PCI-PCI bridges have two and PCI-CardBus bridges have one.
  • u.type0.CIS
    CardBus card information structure (CIS) pointer register.
  • u.type0.SubVendorID
    PCI subsystem vendor identifier register.
  • u.type0.SubSystemID
    PCI subsystem identifier register.
  • u.type0.ROMBaseAddress
    PCI ROM base address register.
  • u.type0.Reserved2
  • u.type0.InterruptLine
    PCI interrupt line register.
  • u.type0.InterruptPin
    PCI interrupt pin register.
  • u.type0.MinimumGrant
    PCI minimum grant register.
  • u.type0.MaximumLatency
    PCI maximum latency register.
  • u.type1.BaseAddress
    PCI base address register.
  • u.type1.PrimaryBusNumber
    PCI primary bus number register.
  • u.type1.SecondaryBusNumber
    PCI secondary bus number register.
  • u.type1.SubordinateBusNumber
    PCI subordinate bus number.
  • u.type1.SecondaryLatencyTimer
    PCI secondary latency timer.
  • u.type1.IOBase
    Lower 8 bits of PCI I/O base address register.
  • u.type1.IOLimit
    Lower 8 bits of PCI I/O limit address register.
  • u.type1.SecondaryStatus
    PCI secondary status register.
  • u.type1.MemoryBase
    PCI memory base address register.
  • u.type1.MemoryLimit
    PCI memory limit address register
  • u.type1.PrefetchableMemoryBase
    Lower 16 bits of PCI prefetchable memory base address register.
  • u.type1.PrefetchableMemoryLimit
    Lower 16 bits of PCI prefetchable memory limit address register.
  • u.type1.PrefetchableMemoryBaseUpper32
    Upper 32 bits of PCI prefetchable memory base address register.
  • u.type1.PrefetchableMemoryLimitUpper32
    Upper 32 bits of PCI prefetchable memory limit address register.
  • u.type1.IOBaseUpper
    Upper 16 bits of PCI I/O base address register.
  • u.type1.IOLimitUpper
    Upper 16 bits of PCI I/O limit address register.
  • u.type1.Reserved2
  • u.type1.ExpansionROMBase
    PCI expansion ROM base address register.
  • u.type1.InterruptLine
    PCI interrupt line register.
  • u.type1.InterruptPin
    PCI interrupt pin register.
  • u.type1.BridgeControl
    PCI bridge control register.
  • u.type1.BaseAddress
    PCI base address register.
  • u.type2.CapabilitiesPtr
    PCI capabilities pointer register.
  • u.type2.Reserved2
  • u.type2.PrimaryBusNumber
    PCI primary bus number register.
  • u.type2.SecondaryStatus
    PCI secondary status register.
  • u.type2.CardbusBusNumber
    CardBus bus number register.
  • u.type2.SubordinateBusNumber
    PCI subordinate bus number.
  • u.type2.CardbusLatencyTimer
    CardBus latency timer register.
  • u.type2.MemoryBase0
    CardBus memory base address register 0.
  • u.type2.MemoryLimit0
    CardBus memory limit address register 0.
  • u.type2.MemoryBase1
    CardBus memory base address register 1.
  • u.type2.MemoryLimit1
    CardBus memory limit address register 1.
  • u.type2.IOBase0_LO
    Lower 16 bits of CardBus I/O base address register 0.
  • u.type2.IOBase0_HI
    Upper 16 bits of CardBus I/O base address register 0.
  • u.type2.IOLimit0_LO
    Lower 16 bits of CardBus I/O limit address register 0.
  • u.type2.IOLimit0_HI
    Upper 16 bits of CardBus I/O limit address register 0.
  • u.type2.IOBase1_LO
    Lower 16 bits of CardBus I/O base address register 1.
  • u.type2.IOBase1_HI
    Upper 16 bits of CardBus I/O base address register 1.
  • u.type2.IOLimit1_LO
    Lower 16 bits of CardBus I/O limit address register 1.
  • u.type2.IOLimit1_HI
    Upper 16 bits of CardBus I/O limit address register 1.
  • u.type2.InterruptLine
    PCI interrupt line register.
  • u.type2.InterruptPin
    PCI interrupt pin register.
  • u.type2.BridgeControl
    PCI bridge control register.
  • u.type2.SubVendorID
    PCI subsystem vendor identifier register.
  • u.type2.SubSystemID
    PCI subsystem identifier register.
  • u.type2.LegacyBaseAddress
    CardBus legacy base address register.
  • u.type2.Reserved3
  • u.type2.SystemControl
    CardBus system control register.
  • u.type2.MultiMediaControl
    CardBus multimedia control register.
  • u.type2.GeneralStatus
    CardBus general status register.
  • u.type2.Reserved4
  • u.type2.GPIO0Control
    CardBus GPIO control registers.
  • u.type2.GPIO1Control
    CardBus GPIO control registers.
  • u.type2.GPIO2Control
    CardBus GPIO control registers.
  • u.type2.GPIO3Control
    CardBus GPIO control registers.
  • u.type2.IRQMuxRouting
    CardBus IRQ multiplexer routing register.
  • u.type2.RetryStatus
    CardBus retry status register.
  • u.type2.CardControl
    CardBus card control register.
  • u.type2.DeviceControl
    CardBus device control register.
  • u.type2.Diagnostic
    CardBus diagnostic register.
  • DeviceSpecific
    Device specific registers in the PCI configuration space, varies by device.


All PCI devices have a common set of registers that include VendorID, DeviceID, and so on.

This structure differs for PCI devices of header type 0 for devices, of header type 1 for PCI-PCI bridges, and of header type 2 for PCI-CardBus bridges. For more information, see the PCI Local Bus Specification, revision 2.1 or 2.2.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ceddk.h.

See Also

PCI Device Support

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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