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How to Implement ClearType

Microsoft® ClearType® is a software technology developed by Microsoft that improves the readability of text on existing LCDs, such as laptop screens, Pocket PC screens and flat panel monitors. Readability on CRT screens can also be improved, although the difference is not as marked as it is with an LCD screen. With ClearType font technology, the words on your computer screen look almost as sharp and clear as those printed on a piece of paper. For more information about ClearType technology, go to this Microsoft Web site.

This how-to topic takes you through the process of implementing ClearType for both a platform and an application. The sample application in this how-to topic is included in the OS image.

Hardware and Software Assumptions

  • You have set up a CEPC. For more information, see How to Set Up a CEPC.
  • All fonts on the system have been tested for legibility. ClearType is intended for Truetype fonts. However, some Truetype fonts don't display well in ClearType.

The following table shows the steps to implement ClearType. You can select the check box next to each step to track your progress.

  Step Topic
1. Create a platform.
  • From the Available BSPs list in the New Platform Wizard, select CEPC: x86.
  • From the Available Configurations list in the New Platform Wizard, choose a configuration that includes the features your application requires. For example, the ClearType sample application requires a shell and graphical user interface (GUI), so choose a configuration that includes these features, such as Mobile Handheld.
  • After typing the platform name in the New Platform Wizard, choose Finish.
  • Read the security warnings, and choose Finish.
Creating a Platform
2. Enable ClearType for the platform by setting the __SYSGEN_GPE_CLEARTYPE variable. This adds ClearType support to the display driver.

You will still need to implement ClearType in your application, (step 4 and step 5) or to implement ClearType throughout the platform, (step 6) to display ClearType fonts on your screen.

Setting the Sysgen variable to support ClearType
3. Build your platform to generate the platform header files and dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). The following list shows the choices to make:
  • From the Set Active Platform Configuration dialog box, choose <Platform Name>CEPC: x86 Win32 (WCE x86) Release.
  • From the Build menu, choose Build Platform.
Building a Platform
4. If you want to implement ClearType throughout the platform, skip this step.

In this step, you will configure a sample application to be included in the OS image. This application uses the APIs necessary to implement ClearType and adjust gamma settings that control the luminance generated on an LCD screen.

When you run this application, all text displayed by this application is in ClearType.

Configuring the ClearType Sample Application
5. If you want to implement ClearType throughout the platform, skip this step.

Build the sample application to be included in the OS image.

Building the ClearType Sample Application
6. If you want to implement ClearType only for a specific application skip this step.

Set the registry key necessary to implement ClearType system-wide. You can optionally set the registry key to adjust the gamma settings. This step is typically done by the OEM or the IHV.

7. Rebuild the platform to make sure all changes take effect. The following list shows the choices to make:
  • From the Set Active Platform Configuration dialog box, choose <Platform Name>CEPC: x86 Win32 (WCE x86) Release.
  • From the Build menu, choose Rebuild Platform.
Building a Platform
8. Download the OS image. Downloading an OS Image to a Target Device
9. If you are implementing ClearType for the sample application, run the application on the CEPC.

From the Platform Builder Target menu, choose Run Programs, choose <Application Name>.exe, and then choose OK.

If the application does not run on the CEPC, open the Release directory on the CEPC to verify the existence of your application. If your application is not in the Release directory, your application was not correctly added to your OS image. Add your application to your OS image again.

Not applicable.

See Also

Platform Development How-to Topics | ClearType | Working with ClearType Fonts

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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