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Ethernet Debugging Services

You may elect to share the Ethernet port on your target device between debugging network and application network traffic. Successful implementation of this option permits TCP/IP and Winsock application traffic to merge with Ethernet debug traffic.

This ability to access a remote network while maintaining the capability to debug your target device allows you to uphold flexibility in your project. For example, when you allow your Ethernet port to share, you can use the Ethernet debugging services while simultaneously connecting to the Internet.

Two major elements consisting of the VBridge library and the VMini virtual adapter are added to the existing Ethernet debug architecture to enable sharing of the Ethernet port.

The VBridge library in the OS image functions as a media access control layer bridge that connects the TCP/IP and Winsock application traffic to the kernel's Ethernet debug traffic. The cost of implementing the bridge is the use of an additional 30 KB of system memory on your target device.

The VMini adapter is a miniport driver that interfaces with VBridge to handle traffic not related to Ethernet debugging. VBridge communicates to VMini using a specialized set of I/O control codes and SYSINTR_VMINI, defined as the slot SYSINTR_DEVICES + 7.

To enable sharing of the Ethernet debug port, you must include the VBridge library in the OS image and then enable the VMini adapter.

The following illustration shows the implementation of VMini debugging.

See Also

Ethernet Debug Sharing Procedures | Kernel Independent Transport Layer

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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