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Screen Rotation

Single screen devices support screen rotation. The functionality is built into the GDI in GWES. The desktop and the shell respond to screen rotation. The RFlat sample driver in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK\Drivers\Display\RFlat supports screen rotation, as do the Geode and MediaGx drivers in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK\CSP\i486\Geode\GXvideo. To enable screen rotation, link with GPERotate.lib and EmulRotate.lib. The entry point is RGPEFlat.

Note   If you use the /D switch to specify the display mode with LoadCEPC.exe, you cannot use the DDI_FLAT driver.

For the VGA flat driver, the RGPEFlat class is derived from the GPERotate class, and RGPEFlatSurf is derived from the GPESurfRotate class.

The following table shows the display driver functions for the RGPEFlat class.

Function Description
NumModes Called from DrvGetModes, it returns 1.
SetMode Called from DrvEnablePDEV and creates a palette based on bpp.
InVBlank Determines if the CRT is in the middle of a vertical blank when the electron beam is off and traversing from the lower right corner to the upper left. During this interval page flipping, animation can be performed to avoid tearing the image.
SetPalette Called from DrvSetPalette.
GetModeInfo Called from DrvGetModes.
SetPointerShape Called from DrvSetPointerShape and DrvSetPointerShape.
MovePointer Called from DrvMovePointer calls this function, DrvSetPointerShape.
WaitForNotBusy Called from EmulatedBltRotate in the GPERotate class.
IsBusy Determines if the display controller is busy or whether it is available to take another command.
GetPhysicalVideoMemory Used by the Direct Draw Hardware Abstraction Layer (DDHAL). When implementing, you should not return a bus address or physical address. You should return the virtual address of video memory, an address that the CPU can dereference.
Line Called from DrvStrokePath.
BltPrepare Called from DrvFillpathDrvAnyBlt.
BltComplete Called from DrvFillpathDrvAnyBlt.
GetGraphicsCaps Called from DrvEnablePDEV.
DrvEscape Responds to rotation request messages DRVESC_GETSCREENROTATION and DRVESC_SETSCREENROTATION.
WrappedEmulatedLine Wrapper function around the emulated line drawing function.
CursorOn Turns on the hardware cursor.
CursorOff Turns off the hardware cursor.
GetRotateModeFromReg Called from RGPEFlat constructor, and is used to read the registry to get the initial rotation angle.
SetRotateParams Called from RGPEFlat constructor to set up the screen width and height based on the current rotation angle.
DynRotate Rotates the screen when DrvEscape gets a DRVESC_SETSCREENROTATION message.

The following shows the functions in the GPESurfRotate class.

Function Description
SetRotation Called in the display driver whenever the display angle has changed. The driver calls this function to reset some member variables in the GPESurfaceRotate instance.
RotatePathData This is a helper function in GPESurfaceRotate used in DrvStrokePath. It rotates the coordinates of the PATHOBJ structure so the lines can be drawn as not rotated.
RotatePathdataBack This is a helper function in GPESurfaceRotate used in DrvStrokePath. This restores the PATHOBJ data after drawing the lines.
RotateRectl This is a helper function in GPESurfaceRotate. It is called during a physical drawing and the rectangle needs to be in the real physical orientation.
RotateRectlBack This is a helper function in GPESurfaceRotate. It restores the rectangle coordinates after drawing.
GetPtr This is a helper function in GPESurfaceRotate. It passes the pixel coordinates based on the screen the user views, and it returns a pointer to the corresponding place in video memory.

The following table shows the members in the GPERotate class, which is derived from the GPE class.

Member Description
m_iRotate The current rotation angle.
m_nScreenWidthSave The physical screen width when the screen is not rotated. It is used to calculate the coordinate transformation.
m_nScreenHeightSave The physical screen height. It is used to calculate the coordinate transformation.
RotateRectl Helper function in GPERotate to perform rectangle coordinate transformation.
RotateRectlBack Helper function in GPERotate. It restores the rectangle coordinates.
EmulatedBltRotate This function is called from BltPrepare and blits in place of EmulatedBlt when the screen is rotated.

See Also

Display Driver Registry Settings | Display Driver Escape Codes | Display Driver Architecture | Display Driver Extensions | Display Driver Samples | Loadcepc.exe Boot Loader Usage | How to Implement Screen Rotation

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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