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Sample USB Printer Class Driver

The USB printer class driver sample is located in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\USB\Class\Printer. The driver DLL is USBPRN.dll.

The USB printer class driver is fully complaint with the USB Printer Device Class Specification, Version 1.0, and follows the interfaces outlined in the specification. For information about the USB specification or the USB printer class specification, see the USB Web site.

This driver provides a universal solution for printing on Microsoft® Windows® CE OSs through the USB port. The goal is to write the USB printer class driver as a transport driver that plugs into the existing print driver architecture.

The following illustration shows the components of the USB printer class driver in the Windows CE driver architecture.

See Also

USB Printer Class Driver Interface | Installing the USB Printer Class Driver | USB Driver Samples | USB Driver Architecture | USB Driver Registry Settings

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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