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Integer and Non-scalar Parameters

In most circumstances, the first four 32-bit words of integer or nonscalar arguments are passed in registers R4-R7. The remaining words are placed on the stack frame, starting at a displacement of 16 bytes from the stack pointer. Parameter passing is based on the SH-3 calling sequence specification. For more information about calling sequence specifications, see SH-3 Calling Sequence Specification, SH3-DSP Calling Sequence Specifications, and SH-4 Calling Sequence Specification. For a complete description of the SH-3 or SH-4 calling standard, see the Hitachi SH-3 Calling Standard or the Hitachi SH-4 Calling Standard.

The following example shows how to access parameters from registers and local argument stack space according to the calling standards.

   "add     R4,R5         ; add first two numbers\n"
   "add     R5,R6         ; add third number\n"
   "add     R6,R7         ; add fourth number\n"
   "mov.l   @(16,SP), R0  ; retrieve fifth number\n"
   "add     R0,R7         ; add fifth number\n"
   "mov.l   @(20,SP), R0  ; get address of result\n"
   "mov.l   R7,@R0         ; save results"
   ,num1    // passed in R4
   ,num2    // passed in R5
   ,num3    // passed in R6
   ,1000    // passed in R7
   ,0xFFFF  // passed in stack at a displacement of 16 bytes from SP
   ,&result // passed in stack at a displacement of 20 bytes from SP

For the preceding example, the compiler places num1 in R4, num2 in R5, num3 in R6, and 1000 in R7. The remaining arguments 0xffff and &result will be placed in the stack frame.

See Also

SH-3 Calling Sequence Specification | SH3-DSP Calling Sequence Specifications | SH-4 Calling Sequence Specification | SHx Inline Assembly Parameters | Floating-point and Double Parameters

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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