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Winsock Extensions

Using Bluetooth through Winsock interfaces is common to all socket-based programming.

The server creates the socket, binds it to a given RFCOMM channel, exports the SDP record advertising this channel, and then listens for incoming connections. The following code example shows how this is done.

SOCKET s = socket(...);
bind(s, ...);
listen(s, ...);
for(; ;){
   SOCKET s2= accept(s, ...);

The client then creates the socket, connects it to the server using a known server channel obtained from the SDP query or a UUID of the target service, and then starts sending and receiving requests. The following code snippet demonstrates how this is done.

SOCKET s = socket(...);
connect(s, ...);
send(s, ...);        // send request
recv(s, ...);        // get response
closesocket(s);    // done

Winsock Function Extensions

To establish a Bluetooth connection using the Winsock interface, use the following extensions:

See Also


 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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