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Bluetooth Samples

The samples provide a base for implementing the Bluetooth feature. These samples have not been tested and are not intended for production use.

All samples are located in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\Bluetooth\Sample.

The following table lists the Bluetooth samples.

Sample Description File name
Virtual COM Port Sample Illustrates the use of the Windows CE–based Bluetooth stack over the Virtual COM Port interface. sca
Winsock Interface Sample Illustrates the use of the Windows CE–based Bluetooth stack over the Winsock interface. ssa
Querying and Pairing Sample Performs querying, pairing, and authentication to illustrate the use of the Windows CE–based Bluetooth stack and security subsystem. btpair
Protocol Extension Sample Illustrates the process of creating a Bluetooth protocol extension for Windows CE. bthlink
Device Driver Management Sample Enables users to manage Bluetooth device drivers for PCMCIA/CF cards. btloader
SDP Search and Record Generator Sample Creates an SDP record or sets up an SDP Service, Attribute, or ServiceAttribute search. bthnscreate
Virtual COM Port Creation Sample Sets up a virtual COM port. comtest
Flow Control Sample Illustrates the flow control in the Windows CE–based Bluetooth stack. fctest
Winsock Options Sample Illustrates the use of the Windows CE–based Bluetooth stack Winsock getsockopt and setsockopt programming interfaces. opttest
Phone Management Sample Illustrates the use of the client-side Windows CE–based Bluetooth port emulator, device discovery and client-side SDP queries for modems. phoneui
Printer Discovery Sample Illustrates the use of the client-side Windows CE–based Bluetooth port emulator, device discovery and client-side SDP queries for printers. printui
SDP Search Sample Demonstrates using the COM routines from sdpuser.dll to parse an SDP response. sdpsearch

See Also


 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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