vsprintf, vswprintf (Windows CE 5.0)
Developing an Application > Microsoft C Run-time Library for Windows CE > Run-time Library Reference > vprintf Functions
Write formatted output using a pointer to a list of arguments.
int vsprintf( char *buffer, constchar *format, va_listargptr);int vswprintf( wchar_t *buffer, constwchar_t *format, va_listargptr);
- buffer
Storage location for output. - format
Format specification. - argptr
Pointer to list of arguments.
Return Values
vsprintf and vswprintf return the number of characters written, not including the terminating null character, or a negative value if an output error occurs. For vswprintf, a negative value is also returned if count or more wide characters are requested to be written.
These functions are supported by all versions of the C run-time libraries.
Each of these functions takes a pointer to an argument list, then formats and writes the given data to the memory pointed to by buffer.
The following table shows generic-text routine mappings for this function.
TCHAR.H Routine | _UNICODE Defined |
_vstprintf | vswprintf |
For more information about TCHAR.H routines, see Generic Text Mappings.
OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: stdarg.h, stdlib.h, wtypes.h.
Link Library: coredll.dll.
See Also
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