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Explorer Shell Components


Windows XP Embedded includes three shell components: Command shell, Task Manager shell, and Explorer shell. The Explorer shell component is used to add the Windows Explorer shell to a run-time image. Explorer shell behavior and appearance can be customized by combining it with other components such as Control Panel or program components.

The following table shows the most common components you can use with the Explorer shell.

Component Description


Includes programs that appear under the Accessories menu on the Windows XP Start menu, including Calculator, Notepad, Microsoft Paint, and WordPad.

Accessories/Communications Programs

Includes HyperTerminal. This component connects to other computers, Internet telnet Web sites, bulletin board systems, online services, and host computers using either a modem or a null-modem cable.

Accessories/System Tools

Includes programs that appear in the System Tools menu on the Windows XP Start menu, including Character Map, Clipboard, and Winchat.

Images and Media

Includes various .bmp and .jpg files that you can use in your embedded designs, for example, as wallpaper. These files are used throughout the Explorer shell.

Standard Start Menu Shortcuts

Includes shortcut resources for all programs that appear on the Windows XP Start menu. After you add this component to your configuration, you can specify the links you want to include in your run-time image.

Windows XP Visual Style

Applies the Windows XP visual style, also known as Luna, in the Explorer shell. You can also select between the default blue, silver, and olive green color scheme at run time.

Registry Editor

Contains the registry editor program (Regedit).

Desktop Wallpaper

Contains wallpaper bitmap files that were included in Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

Common File Dialogs

Contains Comdlg32.dll. This library houses the common file dialog boxes and common file dialog box APIs.

See Also

Other Resources

Explorer Shell