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Disk Space Error Message


If FBWF overlay cache is exhausted, the system displays the error message, "There is not enough disk space on the disk. ” " Following the error message, the system may become unstable and data loss may occur. Perform a hard reboot to recover the device.

If this error occurs, reconfigure FBWF to ensure that it supports the device’s planned usage scenario.

In addition, when FBWF operates with a dynamic cache, its memory is allocated from the paged pool. In Target Designer, configure the paged pool size to be 50 MB larger than the FBWF threshold.

To configure the paged pool size in Target Designer

  1. Open Target Designer. In the configuration editor, select the File Based Write Filter component. The component details are displayed in the Details pane.

  2. In the Details pane, choose Advanced. The Advanced Component Properties window opens.

  3. Select PagedPoolSize.

  4. Select Edit. The Extended Property window opens.

  5. Enter the PagedPoolSize value. The recommended value for PagedPoolSize is (FBWF threshold size + 50 MB)*1024*1024.

    For example, with a 128 MB FBWF threshold, PagedPoolSize = (128+50)*1024*1024 = 186646528

  6. Select OK. The Extended Property window closes.

  7. Select Close. The Advanced Component Properties window closes.

To configure the paged pool size in the registry

  1. In regedit, open the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

  2. Set the REG_DWORD registry value PagedPoolSize to (FBWF threshold size + 50 MB)*1024*1024.

See Also


FBWF Manager

Other Resources

FBWF Installation and Configuration