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How to Configure IIS for DUA

If you are using Windows Server with Internet Information Services (IIS) to host DUA updates for your run-time image, you can use the following procedure to configure your Web server. To improve the security of the communications between DUA and your Web server, this procedure includes the steps required to set up HTTPS.

You should configure your Web server during the design phase of your run-time image. During this phase, you can test and verify that DUA is functioning properly, and that updates are applied.

To track your progress in the following table, select the check box next to each step.

  Step Topic
1. Obtain and install a certificate. Assigning a Certificate to your Web Server for HTTPS
2. Update the registered MIME types on your Web server to support .dup files. Configuring IIS to Serve the Device Update Program
3. Review the account you are going to use for DUA and update the access permissions on the update files to support the account. Configuring IIS Access Permissions for DUA
4. Review your DUA configurations to make sure they match the Web server configurations. Review the DUA Configuration Settings for HTTPS

See Also

Web Server Configuration for DUA | Device Update Agent | DUA Security Considerations | How-to Topics

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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