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COPP and ChangeDisplaySettingsEx

This section applies only to Windows Server 2003 SP1 and later, and Windows XP SP2 and later.

Because applications can alter analog content protection (ACP) levels by calling the Microsoft Win32 ChangeDisplaySettingsEx function, the video miniport driver should ensure that adjustments to the ACP protection type through ChangeDisplaySettingsEx are independent of adjustments made by the IAMCertifiedOutputProtection interface. In other words, if the ACP protection type is set on the physical connector through the video miniport driver's COPPCommand function, the video miniport driver should not permit disabling the ACP protection type on the physical connector through a IOCTL_VIDEO_HANDLE_VIDEOPARAMETERS request. Note that user-mode calls to ChangeDisplaySettingsEx initiate IOCTL_VIDEO_HANDLE_VIDEOPARAMETERS requests to the video miniport driver.

For more information about the ChangeDisplaySettingsEx function, see the Windows SDK documentation.