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Win32_OfflineFilesItem class

Represents a single item in the Offline Files cache. The item may be a server, share, directory or file.


[dynamic, provider("Win32_OfflineFilesProvider"), AMENDMENT]
class Win32_OfflineFilesItem
  string                           ItemPath;
  string                           ParentItemPath;
  string                           ItemName;
  uint32                           ItemType;
  Win32_OfflineFilesFileSysInfo    FileSysInfo;
  Win32_OfflineFilesPinInfo        PinInfo;
  Win32_OfflineFilesChangeInfo     ChangeInfo;
  Win32_OfflineFilesConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo;
  Win32_OfflineFilesSuspendInfo    SuspendInfo;
  boolean                          Encrypted;
  boolean                          Sparse;
  Win32_OfflineFilesDirtyInfo      DirtyInfo;


The Win32_OfflineFilesItem class has these types of members:


The Win32_OfflineFilesItem class has these properties.


Data type: Win32_OfflineFilesChangeInfo

Access type: Read-only

A Win32_OfflineFilesChangeInfo object that contains the change information for the item. Applicable to share, directory, and file items.


Data type: Win32_OfflineFilesConnectionInfo

Access type: Read-only

A Win32_OfflineFilesConnectionInfo object that contains the connection information for the item. Applicable to share, directory, and file items.


Data type: Win32_OfflineFilesDirtyInfo

Access type: Read-only

Dirty byte count information for item. Applicable to File items.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

TRUE if the item is encrypted in the Offline Files cache, or FALSE otherwise. This property is applicable only to file items. Server, share, and directory items will always report a value of FALSE for this property. Inspect the ItemType property to determine the type of an item.


Data type: Win32_OfflineFilesFileSysInfo

Access type: Read-only

A Win32_OfflineFilesFileSysInfo object that contains the file system information for the item. Applicable to directory and file items.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Not_null

The file system name of the item, not including the directory path. For example, the UNC path "\\server\share\directory\file.ext" contains the following elements:

Item Type Example
File "file.ext"
Directory "directory"
Share "share"
Server "server"


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: key, Not_null

A string that contains the UNC path of the item on the server.

Item Type Example
File "\\server\share\directory1\directory2\file.ext"
Directory "\\server\share\directory1\directory2"
Share "\\server\share"
Server "\\server"


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

The type of the item: file, directory, share, or server.

File (0)

Directory (1)

Share (2)

Server (3)


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

A string that contains the UNC path of the parent item on the server. The string is empty if the item is a server item.

Item Type Parent Item Type Example
File Directory "\\server\share\directory1\directory2"
Directory Share "\\server\share"
Share Server "\\server"
Server none ""


Data type: Win32_OfflineFilesPinInfo

Access type: Read-only

A Win32_OfflineFilesPinInfo object that contains pinned status information for the item. Applicable to share, directory, and file items.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

TRUE if the item is sparsely cached, or FALSE otherwise. A sparsely-cached item exists in the Offline Files cache but not all of its contents are cached. Such items are not available offline. This property is applicable only to File items. Server, Share, and Directory items will always report a value of False for this property. The ItemType property contains the type of the item.


Data type: Win32_OfflineFilesSuspendInfo

Access type: Read-only

A Win32_OfflineFilesSuspendInfo object that contains the suspend state information for the item. Applicable to share, directory, and file items.


Minimum supported client
Windows Vista
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008

See also

Offline Files WMI Provider Reference