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Windows Mail Miscellaneous Reference

This documentation provides miscellaneous-related information about the set of interfaces for objects related to Windows Mail (formerly Outlook Express).

New applications should not use this set of interfaces and schemas. These interfaces and schemas exist for backward compatibility with legacy applications. These interfaces and schemas will be unavailable in the future.


Topic Contents
IOEActions Do not use. If the criteria are met, the methods of the IOEActions interface handle the actions.
IOECriteria Do not use. The IOECriteria interface represents criteria used for rules and actions.
IOEEnumRules Do not use. The IOEEnumRules interface represents a collection of IOERule objects.
IOEExecRules Do not use. The methods of the IOEExecRules interface execute rules when certain criteria are met.
IOERule Do not use. The IOERule interface represents a message rule.
IOERulesManager Do not use. The methods of the IOERulesManager interface manage message rules.
IOutlookExpress Do not use. Represents the application object.
IStoreFolder Do not use. Interface to an Windows Mail storage folder object. Using this interface, you can create, enumerate, and modify messages.
IStoreNamespace Do not use. Interface to an Windows Mail storage namespace object. Using this interface, you can create, enumerate, and modify message folders, as well as copy and move messages.


Topic Contents
OEActions Do not use. The OEActions object implements the IOEActions and IPersistStream interfaces.
OECriteria Do not use. The OECriteria object implements the IOECriteria and IPersistStream interfaces
OEEnumRules Do not use. The OEEnumRules object implements the IOEEnumRules interface. It represents an enumeration of message rules.
OEExecRules Do not use. The OEExecRules object implements the IOEExecRules interface.
OERule Do not use. The OERule object implements the IOERule interface. It represents a message rule.
OERulesManager Do not use. The OERulesManager object implements the IOERulesManager interface. It manages message rules.


Topic Contents
ACT_TYPE Do not use. Specifies action types.
CRIT_LOGIC Do not use. Specifies criteria logic.
CRIT_TYPE Do not use. Specifies criteria types.
FOLDERNOTIFYTYPE Do not use. Defined as part of IStoreNamespace.
RULE_PROP Do not use. Identifies the various properties of message rules.
RULE_TYPE Do not use. Identifies types of rules.
SPECIALFOLDER Do not use. Contains constants that specify special message folders in Windows Mail.


Topic Contents
ACT_ITEM Do not use.
CRIT_ITEM Do not use.
FOLDERPROPS Do not use. Defines message folder properties.
MESSAGEIDLIST Do not use. Specifies a list of messages.
MESSAGEPROPS Do not use. Defines message properties.
RULEINFO Do not use. Contains a rule.


Topic Contents
Message State Flags Do not use. Message state flag values that can be set and their meaning.