Visual Basic Source: getVerifyingCert.frm
[This sample code uses features that were implemented in MSXML 5.0 for Microsoft Office Applications. XML digital signatures are not supported in MXSML 6.0 and later.]
' Be sure to select "CAPICOM v2.0 Type Library"
' and "Microsoft XML v5.0" options from the
' "Project->References..." menu item in
' Visual Studio.
Dim xmldoc As New DOMDocument50
Dim xmldsig As New MXDigitalSignature50
Dim dsigKey As IXMLDSigKey
Dim dataObj As IXMLDOMNode
Dim infile, provType, keyContainer
Const DSIGNS = "xmlns:ds=''"
Private Function WriteLine(ByVal str As String)
Text1.Text = Text1.Text + str + vbNewLine
End Function
Private Function writeClear()
Text1.Text = ""
End Function
Private Function LoadXML(ByVal file As String)
' Read input xml file and display the content in the Text1.
Path = App.Path + "\" + file
xmldoc.async = False
xmldoc.preserveWhiteSpace = True
xmldoc.validateOnParse = False
xmldoc.resolveExternals = False
If xmldoc.Load(Path) = False Then
WriteLine "Can't load " + Path
WriteLine "Reason: " + xmldoc.parseError.reason
LoadXML = False
Exit Function
End If
xmldoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", DSIGNS
Set xmldsig.signature = xmldoc.selectSingleNode(".//ds:Signature")
LoadXML = True
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Resize the text box to the size of the form
Text1.Top = 100
Text1.Left = 100
Text1.Width = Form1.Width - 350
Text1.Height = Form1.Height - 750
infile = "signature_signed.rsa.cert.xml"
If LoadXML(infile) = True Then
WriteLine "Verifying " & infile & "..."
VerifyXML wki
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
'Resize the text box to the size of the form
Text1.Width = Form1.Width - 350
Text1.Height = Form1.Height - 750
End Sub
Private Sub VerifyXML(fWriteKeyInfo)
Dim xpath As String
Dim oKeyNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim oKey As IXMLDSigKey
Dim oKeyOut As IXMLDSigKey
If xmldsig.signature Is Nothing Then
WriteLine "Invalid signature "
Exit Sub
End If
xpath = ""
If fWriteKeyInfo = CERTIFICATES Then
xpath = ".//ds:KeyInfo/ds:X509Data"
If fwWriteKeyInfo = KEYVALUE Then
xpath = "./ds:KeyInfo/ds:KeyValue"
End If
End If
Set oKeyNode = xmldoc.selectSingleNode(xpath)
If oKeyNode Is Nothing Then
WriteLine "Invalid key from signature doc."
Exit Sub
End If
Set oKey = xmldsig.createKeyFromNode(oKeyNode)
If oKey Is Nothing Then
WriteLine "Failed to create key from node."
Exit Sub
End If
Set oKeyOut = xmldsig.verify(oKey)
If oKeyOut Is Nothing Then
WriteLine "Signature not verified."
Exit Sub
End If
WriteLine vbNewLine
WriteLine "Signature verified on the data"
WriteLine vbNewLine
If fWriteKeyInfo = CERTIFICATES Then
If IsCertificateValid(oKeyOut) = True Then
WriteLine "Certificate used is valid."
End If
End If
End Sub
Function IsCertificateValid(ByVal oKey As IXMLDSigKey) As Boolean
Dim oCert As ICertificate
Dim oChain As New Chain
Dim status As Boolean
If oKey Is Nothing Then
WriteLine "invalid key object."
IsCertificateValid = False
End If
' Retrieve the certificate from the key that has
' been used to verify a signature.
Set oCert = oKey.getVerifyingCertificate
If oCert Is Nothing Then
WriteLine "invalid verifying certificate"
IsCertificateValid = False
End If
' Build a trust chain starting from oCert.
status = oChain.Build(oCert)
If status = False Then
WriteLine "borken trust chain. error = " & status
IsCertificateValid = False
Exit Function
End If
' Walk through the trust chain.
WriteLine "Examining certificate chain:"
i = 1
For Each oCert In oChain.CERTIFICATES
WriteLine " Certificate No. " & i & ":"
WriteLine " subjecyt: " & oCert.SubjectName
WriteLine " issuer: " & oCert.IssuerName
WriteLine vbNewLine
i = i + 1
' Examine the root certificate in the chain.
Set oCert = oChain.CERTIFICATES.Item(oChain.CERTIFICATES.Count)
WriteLine "Display the Root Certificate:"
WriteLine " subject: " & oCert.SubjectName
WriteLine " issuer: " & oCert.IssuerName
WriteLine vbNewLine
IsCertificateValid = True
End Function
Try It!
Ensure that you have completed all the procedures in Getting Started with XML Digital Signatures.
Copy the XML signature template from Resource Files and paste it into a text file. Save the file as signature_signed.rsa.cert.xml.
Create a Standard EXE project in Visual Basic. Save the empty project as getVerifyingCert.vbp to the same directory where you saved signature_signed.rsa.cert.xml. Name the form file getVerifyingCert.frm.
Create a reference to MSXML 5.0 for Microsoft Office Applications. To do this, select References... from the Project menu, then check the boxes for Microsoft XML, v5.0 and CAPICOM v2.0 Type Library.
Double click on the TextBox icon from the tools menu. A TextBox control will appear on the project's form named "Text1". Select the Text1 control and and in the Properties window, modify the following settings: select "2 - Vertical" as the value for the ScrollBars property and set the value of the MultiLine property to True.
Copy the Visual Basic code listing above, and paste it into the Visual Basic code editor to replace whatever code is already there.
Execute the code by selecting Start from the Run menu.
Verify that your output is similar to that listed in the Output topic.