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Microsoft Speech API 5.3


SPWORDENTRY is used by SAPI and the speech recognition (SR) engine to exchange information about a word that can be recognized.
When new words are added to a grammar by the application, SAPI informs the SR engine by calling ISpSREngine::WordNotify for each word, with an associated SPWORDENTRY structure which the SR engine can examine.

When the SR engine needs to query information from SAPI about a particular word in the application grammar, the engine can call ISpSREngineSite::GetWordInfo.

    typedef struct SPWORDENTRY
    SPWORDHANDLE    hWord;
    LANGID          LangID;
    const WCHAR    *pszDisplayText;
    const WCHAR    *pszLexicalForm;
    SPPHONEID      *aPhoneId;
    void           *pvClientContext;


  • hWord
    Handle to the current word.
  • LangID
    Language identifier.
  • pszDisplayText
    Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the display text information.
  • pszLexicalForm
    Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the lexical text information.
  • aPhoneId
    Pointer to a null-terminated array containing the phoneme identifier.
  • pvClientContext
    Pointer to a string representing the client context data.