Returns the DBID of the current command.
HRESULT GetCurrentCommand(
DBID **ppCommandID);
- ppCommandID
[out] A pointer to memory in which to return the pointer to the DBID of the current command.
Return Code
The DBID of the command was successfully returned.E_OUTOFMEMORY
There is not enough memory to successfully return the command's DBID.DB_E_COMMANDNOTPERSISTED
The current command does not yet have a DBID.E_FAIL
A provider-specific error occurred.E_INVALIDARG
ppCommandID was a null pointer.
When two command objects have loaded a persisted command, and one command object deletes the persisted command, the provider may return either S_OK or DB_E_COMMANDNOTPERSISTED when GetCurrentCommand is called. This return value will inform the provider that the persisted command no longer exists and GetCurrentCommand cannot return a value.