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Using VBScript with the MMC 2.0 Automation Object Model

The following VBScript example code is for a simple application that uses the MMC 2.0 automation object model to programmatically start the MMC application, load a snap-in, set text on the status bar, and leave the user in control of the MMC console.

Example Code

Option Explicit

Wscript.Echo "This script uses the MMC 2.0 Application object."

' Create the MMC Application object.
Dim objMMC
Set objMMC = Wscript.CreateObject("MMC20.Application")

' Show the MMC application.

' Add the "Folder" snap-in to the console.

' Set MMC status bar text.
objMMC.Document.ActiveView.StatusBarText = "This is the left pane|middle pane|right pane"

' Leave the MMC application in user control when this script ends.
objMMC.UserControl = 1

Wscript.Echo vbNewLine + "The script has ended. MMC is in user control."

Retrieving a Snap-in's List View Results