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ScsiScan method of the MSISCSITARGET_StorageConfigurationService class

Requests the system to re-scan SCSI devices for changes in their configuration. This operation can be disruptive; optional parameters enable the caller to limit the scan to a subset of the available SCSI device elements.

This method is inherited from the CIM_StorageConfigurationService class.


uint32 ScsiScan(
  [in, out] CIM_ConcreteJob Ref          Job,
  [in]      uint16                       ConnectionType,
  [in]      string                       OtherConnectionType,
  [in]      CIM_SCSIProtocolEndpoint Ref Initiators[],
  [in]      string                       Targets[],
  [in, out] string                       LogicalUnits[]


Job [in, out]

Contains a reference to the job, if a job is created and not completed.

ConnectionType [in]

Specifies the type of connection. If specified, the scan is constrained to initiator ports of this type. This parameter is only used if the Initiators parameter is NULL.

The values for this parameter correspond to the MSISCSITARGET_iSCSIProtocolEndpoint.ConnectionType property.

The possible values are.

Other (1)

Fibre Channel (2)

Parallel SCSI (3)

SSA (4)

IEEE 1394 (5)

RDMA (6)

iSCSI (7)

SAS (8)

ADT (9)

OtherConnectionType [in]

Describes the connection type, if the ConnectionType parameter is set to Other.

Initiators [in]

Specifies a list of initiator endpoints to scan. If specified, the scan is limited to SCSI targets that are attached to the specified endpoints. If NULL and the ConnectionType parameter is specified, all initiators of that connection type are scanned. If the Initiators and ConnectionType parameters are NULL, all targets on all system initiators are scanned.

Targets [in]

Specifies a list of names or numbers for targets. Entries must be formatted appropriately for the connection type.

LogicalUnits [in, out]

Specifies a list of SCSI logical unit numbers. Each logical unit is hosted on the targets that are specified in the Targets parameter.

Return value

This method returns one of the following values.

Success (0)

Not Supported (1)

Unknown (2)

Timeout (3)

Failed (4)

Invalid Parameter (5)

DMTF Reserved (6 4095)

Invalid connection type (4096)

Invalid Initiator (4097)

No matching target found (4098)

No matching LUs found (4099)

Prohibited by name binding configuration (4100)

Method Reserved (4101 32767)

Vendor Specific (32768 65535)


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012 R2

See also
