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Lists of Arguments


Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.


The following list describes operators with lists of arguments. An empty list is denoted by the corresponding anchor node with no element nodes.

DBOP_column_list_anchor, DBOP_column_list_element

These operators are used to define a list of column aliases (see DBOP_alias). Each element represents the name alias as a string value in the pwszValue field of the command node. Elements take no inputs.

DBOP_command_list_anchor, DBOP_command_list_element

These operators are used to define a sequence of OLE DB commands. Each element takes one command tree input representing either a data manipulation language (DML) or data definition language (DDL) command.

DBOP_from_list_anchor, DBOP_from_list_element

The list of tables in a SQL FROM clause. Each element requires a table-valued expression as input, which can be represented by a table_name or alias to serve as a SQL "correlation name."

DBOP_project_list_anchor, DBOP_project_list_element

The anchor and an element in a list of columns for a projection. The anchor has an element as its first child, but no other information. Each element assigns a column name, which is stored in the string portion of the tree node, to a scalar expression, which is given as the element node's input tree. In addition, outall_name and qualifier_name must be in the project_list of a project node (as opposed to a project_list of an aggregate node). If a project list includes the member outall_name and a column_name that is a member of the columns implied by outall_name, then that column will appear twice in the result.

DBOP_row_list_anchor, DBOP_row_list_element

The anchor and element in a list of rows for constructing a table. Each element has one DBOP_row input. At least one row_list_element must be in each list.

DBOP_scalar_list_anchor, DBOP_scalar_list_element

The anchor and element in a list of scalar constants for constructing a row. Each element takes one DBOP_scalar_constant as input. At least one scalar list element must be in each list.

DBOP_set_list_anchor, DBOP_set_list_element

The anchor and element in a list of columns for updating. Each element has two inputs, one a column name and one an expression of the same type as the column. At least one set_list_element must be in each list.

DBOP_sort_list_anchor, DBOP_sort_list_element

The anchor and an element in a list of columns for sorting. This list is different from a projection list in that no new column name is assigned but an ascending or descending flag and an optional locale ID are indicated. Each element includes a scalar input expression.