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Hit-Highlighting of SQL Content Search Results


Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.


Hit-highlighting is an Indexing Service feature that you can use when querying a document. Hit-highlighting generates an HTML page that contains a list of the hits showing the exact portions (if any) of the document that satisfy your query.

When using SQL to query for content, you can use the hit-highlighting feature by using Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) to retrieve the Query Restriction property and using that property as the value for the CiRestriction parameter of Webhits.dll.


Hit-highlighting is available only for SQL content queries (CONTAINS predicate) and a vpath recordset field must be present in the Select_List statement. Get the Query Restriction property only after the command is executed.


The following example queries for documents containing the words "Index" and "Server" gets the Query Restriction property, and uses it to invoke the hit-highlighter (Webhits.dll):

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.ConnectionString =  "provider=msidxs;"
Set AdoCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
set AdoCommand.ActiveConnection = Conn
Set Recordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
AdoCommand.Properties("Bookmarkable") = True
AdoCommand.CommandText = "select vpath, filename from scope() where contains('Index AND Server')>0" AdoCommand
SearchString = AdoCommand.Properties("Query Restriction")
<%if SearchString <> "" then%>
  ' Construct the URL for hit highlighting
  WebHitsQuery = "CiWebHitsFile=" & Server.URLEncode( Recordset("vpath") )
  WebHitsQuery = WebHitsQuery & "&amp;CiRestriction=" & Server.URLEncode( SearchString )

  WebHitsQuery = WebHitsQuery & "&amp;CiBold=True"
  WebHitsQuery = WebHitsQuery & "&amp;CiUserParam3=" & QueryForm
  <a href="/iissamples/issamples/Oop/Qsumrhit.htw?<%= WebHitsQuery %>"><b>Show Highlights (condensed)</b></a> /
  <a href="/iissamples/issamples/Oop/Qfullhit.htw?<%= WebHitsQuery %>&amp;CiHiliteType=Full"><b>Show Highlights (full
<%end if%>