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Modifying Fax Port Data

A fax client application can modify certain configuration data that applies to a fax port. The data includes the transmission priority assigned to the port and the number of rings an incoming fax call should wait before the port answers the call. It also includes the current status and capability of the port, and the transmitting and called station identifiers.

In the Win32 Environment

A fax client application can call the FaxSetPort function to change the configuration of the fax ports associated with a fax server.

Note that an application must first call the FaxOpenPort function, specifying the PORT_OPEN_MODIFY port access level, to obtain a fax port handle before calling the FaxSetPort function.

In the COM Implementation Environment

After you create an instance of a FaxPort object, call the IFaxPort::GetRoutingMethods method (the GetRoutingMethods method of the FaxPort object in Microsoft Visual Basic) to create a FaxRoutingMethods object. This object can then be used to create an instance of a FaxRoutingMethod object. Use the FaxRoutingMethod object to enable or disable a fax routing method on a specific fax port. For more information, see Managing Fax Routing Data.

Note that before your application calls a method that modifies a FaxPort property, you can call the IFaxPort::get_CanModify method (retrieve the CanModify property of the FaxPort object in Visual Basic) to ensure that the client has access to modify the port's configuration.

If you are writing a C/C++ application, after you create a FaxPort object for a specified fax port, you can call IFaxPort interface methods to change properties of the port. For information about the steps required to create a FaxPort object, and for a list of properties and methods, see IFaxPort.

If you are writing a Visual Basic application, after you create a FaxPort object for a specified fax port, you can retrieve multiple properties of the object. See FaxPort object (Visual Basic) for more information about the steps required to create the object, and for a list of properties and methods of the object.