CTimeSpan Class Members
CTimeSpan | Constructs CTimeSpan objects in various ways. |
GetDays | Returns the number of complete days in this CTimeSpan. |
GetHours | Returns the number of hours in the current day (–23 through 23). |
GetTotalHours | Returns the total number of complete hours in this CTimeSpan. |
GetMinutes | Returns the number of minutes in the current hour (–59 through 59). |
GetTotalMinutes | Returns the total number of complete minutes in this CTimeSpan. |
GetSeconds | Returns the number of seconds in the current minute (–59 through 59). |
GetTotalSeconds | Returns the total number of complete seconds in this CTimeSpan. |
Format | Converts a CTimeSpan into a formatted string. |
operator = | Assigns new time-span values. |
operator + – | Adds and subtracts CTimeSpan objects. |
operator += –= | Adds and subtracts a CTimeSpan object to and from this CTimeSpan. |
operator == < etc. | Compares two relative time values. |
operator << | Outputs a CTimeSpan object to CArchive or CDumpContext. |
operator >> | Inputs a CTimeSpan object from CArchive. |