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int GetLineCount( ) const;

Return Value

The number of lines in this CRichEditCtrl object.


Call this function to retrieve the number of lines in the CRichEditCtrl object.

For more information, see in the Win32 documentation.


#ifdef _DEBUG
   // The pointer to my rich edit control.
   extern CRichEditCtrl* pmyRichEditCtrl;

   int i, nLineLength, nLineCount = pmyRichEditCtrl->GetLineCount();
   CString strText, strLine;

   // Dump every line of text of the rich edit control.
   for (i=0;i < nLineCount;i++)
      nLineLength = pmyRichEditCtrl->LineLength(i);
      pmyRichEditCtrl->GetLine(i, strText.GetBuffer(nLineLength));

      strLine.Format(TEXT("line %d: '%s'\r\n"), i, strText.GetBuffer(0));
      afxDump << strLine;

CRichEditCtrl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CRichEditCtrl::GetLine