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Return Value

A pointer to a CRecordset-derived object if the object was successfully created; otherwise a NULL pointer.


Returns a pointer to the CRecordset-derived object associated with the record view. You must override this member function to construct or obtain a recordset object and return a pointer to it. If you declare your record view class with ClassWizard, the wizard writes a default override for you. ClassWizard’s default implementation returns the recordset pointer stored in the record view if one exists. If not, it constructs a recordset object of the type you specified with ClassWizard and calls its Open member function to open the table or run the query, and then returns a pointer to the object.

For more information and examples, see the article in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.

CRecordView OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CRecordset, CRecordset::Open