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COleServerDoc Class Members


COleServerDoc Constructs a COleServerDoc object.
IsEmbedded Indicates whether the document is embedded in a container document or running stand-alone.
IsInPlaceActive Returns TRUE if the item is currently activated in place.
GetEmbeddedItem Returns a pointer to an item representing the entire document.
GetItemPosition Returns the current position rectangle, relative to the container application’s client area, for in-place editing.
GetItemClipRect Returns the current clipping rectangle for in-place editing.
GetZoomFactor Returns the zoom factor in pixels.


OnExecOleCmd Executes a specified command or displays help for the command.
NotifyChanged Notifies containers that the user has changed the document.
NotifyRename Notifies containers that the user has renamed the document.
NotifySaved Notifies containers that the user has saved the document.
NotifyClosed Notifies containers that the user has closed the document.
SaveEmbedding Tells the container application to save the document.
ActivateInPlace Activates the document for in-place editing.
DeactivateAndUndo Deactivates the server’s user interface.
DiscardUndoState Discards undo-state information.
RequestPositionChange Changes the position of the in-place editing frame.
ScrollContainerBy Scrolls the container document.
UpdateAllItems Notifies containers that the user has changed the document.


GetDocObjectServer Override this function to create a new CDocObjectServer object and indicate that this document is a DocObject container.
OnUpdateDocument Called by the framework when a server document that is an embedded item is saved, updating the container’s copy of the item.
OnGetEmbeddedItem Called to get a COleServerItem that represents the entire document; used to get an embedded item. Implementation required.
OnClose Called by the framework when a container requests to close the document.
OnSetHostNames Called by the framework when a container sets the window title for an embedded object.
OnShowDocument Called by the framework to show or hide the document.
OnDeactivate Called by the framework when the user deactivates an item that was activated in place.
OnDeactivateUI Called by the framework to destroy controls and other user-interface elements created for in-place activation.
OnSetItemRects Called by the framework to position the in-place editing frame window within the container application’s window.
OnReactivateAndUndo Called by the framework to undo changes made during in-place editing.
OnFrameWindowActivate Called by the framework when the container’s frame window is activated or deactivated.
OnDocWindowActivate Called by the framework when the container’s document frame window is activated or deactivated.
OnShowControlBars Called by the framework to show or hide control bars for in-place editing.
OnResizeBorder Called by the framework when the container application’s frame window or document window is resized.
CreateInPlaceFrame Called by the framework to create a frame window for in-place editing.
DestroyInPlaceFrame Called by the framework to destroy a frame window for in-place editing.

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