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Creating a ClassWizard Information File Template

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Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Creating a Custom AppWizard is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .

The Custom AppWizard project adds a custom resource template for generating a ClassWizard Information (.CLW) file to the following types of new custom AppWizard projects:

  • Those based on an existing project, if the existing project contained a .CLW file (which it should).

  • Those based on an existing sequence of standard AppWizard steps.

If your custom AppWizard generates a .CLW file and you alter your custom AppWizard so that it generates projects that contain more classes than CUSTMWZ.AWX originally generated, then those additional classes will not automatically appear in the .CLW file your custom AppWizard generates. The custom AppWizard user will notice upon opening ClassWizard for the project your custom AppWizard generated that the additional classes are not available.

To avoid this problem, edit your custom AppWizard’s NEWPROJ.INF file so that it no longer generates a default .CLW. Then, when the custom AppWizard user attempts to use ClassWizard, ClassWizard presents a dialog box that notes that no .CLW file exists and offers to build one. The .CLW file is built after the user clicks Yes.

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