Constructs a CFindReplaceDialog object. CFindReplaceDialog objects are constructed on the heap with the new operator. For more information on the construction of CFindReplaceDialog objects, see the CFindReplaceDialog overview. Use the Create member function to display the dialog box.
// m_pFRDlg is a pointer to a class derived from CFindReplaceDialog
// which defines variables used by the FINDREPLACE structure.
// InitFindReplaceDlg creates a CFindReplaceDialog and initializes
// the m_fr with the data members from the derived class
void CRichEditView::InitFindReplaceDlg()
if( NULL == m_pFRDlg )
m_pFRDlg = new CMyFindReplaceDlg(); // Must be created on the heap
m_pFRDlg->Create( TRUE, "", "", FR_DOWN, this );
m_pFRDlg->m_fr.lStructSize = sizeof(FINDREPLACE);
m_pFRDlg->m_fr.hwndOwner = this->m_hWnd;
m_pFRDlg->m_fr.lpstrFindWhat = m_pFRDlg->GetFindWhatStr();
m_pFRDlg->m_fr.lpstrReplaceWith = m_pFRDlg->GetReplaceWithStr();
m_pFRDlg->m_fr.wFindWhatLen = m_pFRDlg->GetFindWhatStrLen();
m_pFRDlg->m_fr.wReplaceWithLen = m_pFRDlg->GetReplaceWithStrLen();
CFindReplaceDialog Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart
See Also CFindReplaceDialog::Create