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Key MFC Programming Areas

OverviewHow Do IDetailsTutorial

What MFC Can't Do for You

As a general programming framework, MFC can't anticipate every programmer's every need. For example, MFC makes it easy to build the interface for a spreadsheet application, but you must provide all of the important display and computation logic.

Note   MFC is not a general function library, like the C run-time library. You cannot simply call MFC class member functions in an otherwise non-MFC context. From within MFC, you can still call Win32 API functions directly, particularly those that MFC does not choose to encapsulate. But most MFC functions are members of a class, and you must have an object of the class before you can call any of its member functions. For related information, see Win32 Programming: Overview.

What MFC Can Do for You

Despite its generality, MFC does support you in many specialized ways:

Support For See
OLE visual editing OLE in MFC: Overview
Automation Automation: Overview
ActiveX Controls ActiveX Controls: Overview
Internet programming Internet Support: Overview
Windows Common Controls Controls: Overview
DAO Database Programming Databases: Overview
ODBC Database Programming Databases: Overview
Multithreaded Programming Multithreaded Programs: Overview
Network Programming Windows Sockets for Network Programming: Overview

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