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ActiveX Applications

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Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Creating a Custom AppWizard is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .


A rich-text file for generating a help (.HLP) file containing information on MDI and SDI containers. This file is one of the resource templates provided by the localized language DLLs, such as APPWZJPN.DLL.


A rich-text file for generating an MDI and SDI server application’s help file. This file is one of the resource templates provided by the localized language DLLs, such as APPWZJPN.DLL.


The container-item implementation file for MDI and SDI  container applications.


The container-item header file for MDI and SDI container applications.


The in-place frame implementation file for MDI and SDI server applications.


The in-place frame header file for MDI and SDI server applications.


The registry information file to contain the globally unique identifier (GUID) that an application must expose to the registry, along with all other information needed to register the generated application as a server or the default editor of a particular document type. All references to a GUID in this file are through AppWizard macros whose values are set when the end user chooses Active Document Server or Automation from the ActiveX Options dialog box.


The Object Description Language file to contain a GUID for each object that an application must expose through Automation. All references to a GUID in this file are through AppWizard macros whose values are set when the end user chooses Automation from the ActiveX Options dialog box.


The server-item implementation file for MDI and SDI server applications.


The server-item header file for MDI and SDI server applications.


A bitmap file that creates an in-place frame toolbar for default server and mini-server applications. The toolbar does not include a Help button. A server application displays TBA_I.BMP, rather than TBA__.BMP, upon activation as an in-place server from within a container application. Mini-servers only use the in-place toolbar because mini-servers can’t be launched as stand-alone applications. This file is one of the resource templates provided by MFCAPWZ.DLL.


A bitmap file that creates an in-place frame toolbar for default server and mini-server applications. The toolbar includes a Help button. A server application displays TBAHI.BMP, rather than TBAH_.BMP, upon activation as an in-place server from within a container application. Mini-servers only use the in-place toolbar because mini-servers can’t be launched as stand-alone applications. This file is one of the resource templates provided by MFCAPWZ.DLL.


A bitmap file that creates a floating, dockable toolbar for the in-place frame toolbar, which includes database view and file support. The toolbar includes a Help button. A server application with a database view displays TBRHI.BMP, rather than TBRH_.BMP, upon activation as an in-place server from within a container application. Mini-servers only use the in-place toolbar because mini-servers can’t be launched as stand-alone applications. This file is one of the resource templates provided by MFCAPWZ.DLL.


A bitmap file that creates a floating, dockable toolbar for the in-place frame toolbar, which includes database view and file support. The toolbar does not include a Help button. A server application with a database view displays TBR_I.BMP, rather than TBR__.BMP, upon activation as an in-place server from within a container application. Mini-servers only use the in-place toolbar because mini-servers can’t be launched as stand-alone applications. This file is one of the resource templates provided by MFCAPWZ.DLL.

See Also   Standard Custom Resource Templates, All AppWizard Projects, Dialog-Based Applications, Dynamic-Link Libraries, MDI and SDI Applications, Help File Support, Custom AppWizard Help File Support, Database Applications.