int GetLogPen( LOGPEN* pLogPen );
Return Value
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
Points to a structure to contain information about the pen.
Call this member function to get a LOGPEN underlying structure. The LOGPEN structure defines the style, color, and pattern of a pen.
For example, call GetLogPen to match the particular style of pen.
See the following topics in the Win 32 SDK Programmer’s Reference for information about pen attributes:
The following code example demonstrates calling GetLogPen to retrieve a pen character, and then create a new, solid pen with the same color.
LOGPEN logpen;
penExisting.GetLogPen( &logpen );
CPen penOther( PS_SOLID, 0, logpen.lopnColor);
CPen Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart
See Also CPen::GetExtLogPen