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Return Value

Type of selection made.


Call this function to determine the type of conversion selected in the Convert dialog box.

The return type values are specified by the Selection enumeration type declared in the COleConvertDialog class.

enum Selection

Brief descriptions of these values follow:

  • COleConvertDialog::noConversion   Returned if either the dialog box was canceled or the user selected no conversion. If COleConvertDialog::DoModal returned IDOK, it is possible that the user selected a different icon than the one previously selected.

  • COleConvertDialog::convertItem   Returned if the Convert To radio button was checked, the user selected a different item to convert to, and DoModal returned IDOK.

  • COleConvertDialog::activateAs   Returned if the Activate As radio button was checked, the user selected a different item to activate, and DoModal returned IDOK.

COleConvertDialog OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   COleConvertDialog::DoModal, COleConvertDialog::COleConvertDialog