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strstr, wcsstr, _mbsstr

Find a substring.




Routine Required Header Compatibility
strstr <string.h> ANSI, Win 95, Win NT
wcsstr <string.h> or <wchar.h> ANSI, Win 95, Win NT
_mbsstr <mbstring.h> Win 95, Win NT

For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.


LIBC.LIB Single thread static library, retail version
LIBCMT.LIB Multithread static library, retail version
MSVCRT.LIB Import library for MSVCRT.DLL, retail version

Return Value

Each of these functions returns a pointer to the first occurrence of strCharSet in string, or NULL if strCharSet does not appear in string. If strCharSet points to a string of zero length, the function returns string.



Null-terminated string to search


Null-terminated string to search for


The strstr function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of strCharSet in string. The search does not include terminating null characters. wcsstr and _mbsstr are wide-character and multibyte-character versions of strstr. The arguments and return value of wcsstr are wide-character strings; those of _mbsstr are multibyte-character strings. These three functions behave identically otherwise.

Generic-Text Routine Mappings

TCHAR.H Routine _UNICODE & _MBCS Not Defined _MBCS Defined _UNICODE Defined
_tcsstr strstr _mbsstr wcsstr


/* STRSTR.C */

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

char str[] =    "lazy";
char string[] = "The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox";
char fmt1[] =   "         1         2         3         4         5";
char fmt2[] =   "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890";

void main( void )
   char *pdest;
   int  result;
   printf( "String to be searched:\n\t%s\n", string );
   printf( "\t%s\n\t%s\n\n", fmt1, fmt2 );
   pdest = strstr( string, str );
   result = pdest - string + 1;
   if( pdest != NULL )
      printf( "%s found at position %d\n\n", str, result );
      printf( "%s not found\n", str );


String to be searched:
   The quick brown dog jumps over the lazy fox
            1         2         3         4         5

lazy found at position 36

String Manipulation Routines

See Also   strcspn, strcmp, strpbrk, strrchr, strspn