**CDocObjectServer(COleServerDoc***pOwner, LPOLEDOCUMENTSITEpDocSite = NULL);
A pointer to the client site document that is the client for the DocObject server.
A pointer to the IOleDocumentSite interface implemented by the container.
Constructs and initializes a CDocObjectServer object.
When a DocObject is active, the client site OLE interface (IOleDocumentSite) is what allows the DocObject server to communicate with its client (the container). When a DocObject server is activated, it first checks that the container implements the IOleDocumentSite interface. If so, COleServerDoc::GetDocObjectServer is called to see if the container supports DocObjects. By default, GetDocObjectServer returns NULL. You must override COleServerDoc::GetDocObjectServer to construct a new CDocObjectServer object or a derived object of your own, with pointers to the COleServerDoc container and its IOleDocumentSite interface as arguments to the constructor.
CDocObjectServer Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart
See Also CDocObjectServerItem, COleServerDoc::GetDocObjectServer