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Technical Notes by Number

The technical notes below are listed numerically, with the most recently written technical note first. For a listing by category, see Technical Notes by Category.

Number Title
71 TN071: MFC IOleCommandTarget Implementation
70 TN070: MFC Window Class Names
69 Processing HTML Forms Using Internet Server Extension DLLs and Command Handlers
68 Performing Transactions with the Microsoft Access 7 ODBC Driver
67 Database Access from an ISAPI Server Extension
66 Common MFC 3.x to 4.0 Porting Issues
65 Dual-Interface Support for OLE Automation Servers
64 Apartment-Model Threading in OLE Controls
63 Debugging Internet Extension DLLs
62 Message Reflection for Windows Controls
61 ON_NOTIFY and WM_NOTIFY Messages
60 Windows Common Controls
59 Using MFC MBCS/Unicode Conversion Macros
58 MFC Module State Implementation
57 Localization of MFC Components
56 Installation of MFC Components
55 Migrating MFC ODBC Database Class Applications to MFC DAO Classes
54 Calling DAO Directly While Using MFC DAO Classes
53 Writing Custom DFX Routines for DAO Database Classes
52 Writing Windows 95 Applications with MFC 3.1
51 Using CTL3D Now and in the Future
50 MFC/OLE Common Dialogs (MFCUIx32)
49 MFC/OLE MBCS to Unicode Translation Layer (MFCANS32)
48 Writing ODBC Setup and Administration Programs for MFC Database Applications
47 Relaxing Database Transaction Requirements
46 Commenting Conventions for the MFC Classes
45 MFC/Database Support for Long Varchar/Varbinary
44 MFC Support for DBCS
43 RFX Routines
42 ODBC Driver Developer Recommendations
41 MFC/OLE1 Migration to MFC/OLE2
40 MFC/OLE In-Place Resizing and Zooming
39 MFC/OLE Automation Implementation
38 MFC/OLE IUnknown Implementation
37 Multithreaded MFC 2.1 Applications
36 Using CFormView with AppWizard and ClassWizard
35 Using Multiple Resource Files and Header Files with Visual C++
34 Writing a Windows 3.0 Compatible MFC Application
33 DLL Version of MFC
32 MFC Exception Mechanism
31 Control Bars
30 Customizing Printing and Print Preview
29 Splitter Windows
28 Context-Sensitive Help Support
27 Emulation Support for Visual Basic Custom Controls
26 DDX and DDV Routines
25 Document, View, and Frame Creation
24 MFC-Defined Messages and Resources
23 Standard MFC Resources
22 Standard Commands Implementation
21 Command and Message Routing
20 ID Naming and Numbering Conventions
19 Updating existing MFC Applications to MFC 3.0
18 Migrating OLE Applications From MFC 1.0 to MFC 2.0
17 Destroying Window Objects
16 Using C++ Multiple Inheritance with MFC
15 Windows for Pen
14 Custom Controls
12 Using Windows 3.1 Robustness Features
11 Using MFC as Part of a DLL
8 MFC OLE Support
7 Debugging Trace Options
6 Message Maps
4 C++ Template Tool
3 Mapping of Windows Handles to Objects
2 Persistent Object Data Format
1 Window Class Registration

Technical notes 1 to 17 are general topics that apply to MFC 1.0 and 2.0.

Technical notes 18 and 19 focus on migration of applications from MFC 1.0 to MFC 2.0.

Technical notes 20 to 36 are topics specific to MFC 2.0 (and higher)

Technical note 37 is specific to 32-bit versions of MFC.

Technical notes 38 to 48 are topics specific to MFC 2.5 (and higher)

Technical notes 49 to 52 are topics specific to MFC 3.0 (and higher)

Technical notes 53 to 71 are topics specific to MFC 4.0 (and higher)

Gaps in the Technical Note numbering are due to MFC 1.0 technical notes that are now obsolete. More complete information can now be found in the .