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WizardBar Context Tracking

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WizardBar extends ClassView functionality by actively tracking your current location in source code.

You can use both ClassView and WizardBar to jump directly to code segments in the Text editor, such as class and member definitions. Unlike ClassView, however, the WizardBar display changes to reflect where you've jumped.

When your cursor is in the Text editor, WizardBar tracks and displays the current class or C++ member function. If your cursor is in a section such as code comments or C++ include statements, the display of the WizardBar Members combo box dims, and reflects the nearest recognizable code segment.

Note    WizardBar tracks all class declarations, including those for classes that do not yet contain any members. If your cursor is nearest to such a class declaration, the Classes combo box displays the class name, the Filters combo box displays "(All Class Members)", and the Members combo box displays the message "No members – Create C/C++ Member Function … " Clicking this message in the Members combo box displays the Add Member Function dialog box, which you can use to quickly define a stub function. Adding a new member function is the default action for empty classes.

In any given development session, your focus may switch from the Text editor to the C++ Dialog editor, to ClassView, and back to the Text editor. Because WizardBar does not track your context from every location in the IDE, there are visual cues that indicate whether or not WizardBar is currently in tracking mode. For example, the Action button changes color to indicate the current state of the WizardBar.

Action button in tracking mode: ****

Also, the items displayed in the WizardBar combo boxes remain dimmed unless the WizardBar is tracking.

Note   Even when WizardBar is not tracking, you can use all the navigational and code creation functionality available from WizardBar. The combo lists remain accessible, as do the Action control and WizardBar menu of commands.

WizardBar also tracks code elements from within the .

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When WizardBar does not track context