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Testing a Dialog Box

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You can simulate the run-time behavior of a dialog box from within the Dialog editor without compiling your program. This gives you immediate feedback on how the layout of controls appears and performs and thus speeds up the user-interface design process.

When you are in test mode, you can:

  • Type text, select from combo-box lists, turn options on and off, and choose commands.

  • Test the tab order.

  • Test the grouping of controls, such as radio buttons or check boxes.

  • Test the dialog box’s keyboard shortcuts (for controls that have mnemonic keys defined for them).

Note   Connections to dialog box code made using ClassWizard are not simulated during dialog box test mode.

When you test a dialog box, it is usually displayed at a location relative to the main program window. If the dialog box’s Absolute Align property is selected, the dialog box is displayed at a position relative to the upper-left corner of the screen.

To test a dialog box

  1. From the Layout menu, choose Test.

  2. To end the test session, do one of the following actions:

    • Press ESC.

    • Close the dialog box using its Close button.

    • Choose a push button with a symbol name of IDOK or IDCANCEL.