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Points to a CString object or null-terminated string to be used as the new title or control text.


Sets the window’s title to the specified text. If the window is a control, the text within the control is set.

This function causes a message to be sent to this window.


// set the text in IDC_MYEDIT
CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_MYEDIT);
pWnd->SetWindowText(_T("Hockey is best!"));

// Get the text back. CString is convenient, because MFC
// will automatically allocate enough memory to hold the
// text--no matter how large it is.

CString str;
ASSERT(str == _T("Hockey is best!"));

// The LPTSTR override works, too, but it might be too short.
// If we supply a buffer that's too small, we'll only get those
// characters that fit.

TCHAR sz[10];
int nRet = pWnd->GetWindowText(sz, 10);

// Nine characters, plus terminating null
ASSERT(lstrcmp(sz, _T("Hockey is")) == 0);
ASSERT(nRet == 9);

// You can query the length of the text without the length of
// the string using CWnd::GetWindowTextLength()
nRet = pWnd->GetWindowTextLength();
ASSERT(nRet == 15);

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See Also   CWnd::GetWindowText,