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Return Value

Nonzero if the window creation should continue; 0 to indicate creation failure.





Called by the framework before the creation of the Windows window attached to this CWnd object.

Never call this function directly.

The default implementation of this function checks for a NULL window class name and substitutes an appropriate default. Override this member function to modify the CREATESTRUCT structure before the window is created.

Each class derived from CWnd adds its own functionality to its override of PreCreateWindow. By design, these derivations of PreCreateWindow are not documented. To determine the styles appropriate to each class and the interdependencies between the styles, you can examine the MFC source code for your application’s base class. If you choose to override PreCreateWindow, you can determine whether the styles used in your application’s base class provide the functionality you need by using information gathered from the MFC source code.

For more information on changing window styles, see the in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.

CWnd OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CWnd::Create, CWnd::CreateEx, CREATESTRUCT