The type for this data member is the enumerated type DateTimeSpanStatus, which is defined within the COleDateTimeSpan class.
enum DateTimeSpanStatus{
valid = 0,
invalid = 1,
null = 2,
For a brief description of these status values, see the following list:
COleDateTimeSpan::valid Indicates that this COleDateTimeSpan object is valid.
COleDateTimeSpan::invalid Indicates that this COleDateTimeSpan object is invalid; that is, its value may be incorrect.
COleDateTimeSpan::null Indicates that this COleDateTimeSpan object is null, that is, that no value has been supplied for this object. (This is “null” in the database sense of “having no value,” as opposed to the C++ NULL.)
The status of a COleDateTimeSpan object is invalid in the following cases:
If this object has experienced an overflow or underflow during an arithmetic assignment operation, namely, += or -=.
If an invalid value was assigned to this object.
If the status of this object was explicitly set to invalid using SetStatus.
For more information about the operations that may set the status to invalid, see COleDateTimeSpan::operator +, - and COleDateTimeSpan::operator +=, -=.
Caution This data member is for advanced programming situations. You should use the inline member functions GetStatus and SetStatus. See SetStatus for further cautions regarding explicitly setting this data member.
For more information about the bounds for COleDateTimeSpan values, see the article in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.
COleDateTimeSpan Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart
See Also COleDateTimeSpan::GetStatus, COleDateTimeSpan::SetStatus