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void Copy( const CObArray& src );



Source of the elements to be copied to the array.


Call this member function to overwrite the elements of the given array with the elements of another array of the same type.

Copy does not free memory; however, if necessary, Copy may allocate extra memory to accommodate the elements copied to the array.

The following table shows other member functions that are similar to CObArray::Copy.

Class Member Function
CByteArray void Copy( const CByteArray& src);
CDWordArray void Copy( const CDWordArray& src );
CPtrArray void Copy( const CPtrArray& src );
CStringArray void Copy( const CStringArray& src );
CUIntArray void Copy( const CUIntArray& src );
CWordArray void Copy( const CWordArray& src );

CObArray OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CObArray::Append