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RemoteProcedureCallDebugging Property

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Applies to: Debugger object

Gets or sets whether remote procedure call debugging is available.


object**.RemoteProcedureCallDebugging** [=boolean]



An expression that evaluates to a Debugger object.


A Boolean that specifies whether remote procedure call debugging is available. Possible values are:

  • True   Makes remote procedure call debugging available.

  • False   Makes remote procedure call debugging unavailable.


The RemoteProcedureCallDebugging property has the Boolean type.

In the Developer Studio user interface, you enable or disable remote procedure call debugging by setting or clearing the OLE RPC debugging check box on the Debug tab (Tools menu, Options command).

Remote procedure call debugging requires just-in-time debugging. If you enable remote procedure call debugging, you also enable just-in-time debugging. For details, see the JustInTimeDebugging property. However, if you disable remote procedure call debugging, you do not disable just-in-time debugging.


The following example enables remote procedure call debugging:

Debugger.RemoteProcedureCallDebugging = True