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Overview: Version Information Editor

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Version information consists of company and product identification, a product release number, and copyright and trademark notification. The Version Information editor is a tool for creating and maintaining this data. Although the version information resource is not required by an application, it is a useful place to collect this information that identifies the application.

A single version information resource can contain multiple string blocks, each representing a different language or character set. All you need to do is define the character sets and languages that are specific to your product.

With the Version Information editor, you can add or delete string blocks, search for values, and modify individual string values.

Note   The Windows standard is to have only one version resource, named VS_VERSION_INFO.

If you wish to access the version information from within your program, your application can make use of the GetFileVersionInfo function and the VerQueryValue function. For additional information on how to access version information, see the online Microsoft Win32 Programmer’s Reference, Volume 2.

Tip   While using the Version Information editor, in many instances, you can click the right mouse button to display a shortcut menu of resource-specific commands. For example, if you click while pointing to a block header entry, the shortcut menu shows the New String Block and Delete String Block commands.

For information about common resource edit procedures such as creating new resources, opening existing resources, and deleting resources, see Resource Editors How Do I ... Topics.

What do you want to do?

Edit the version information