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Updating Data with the ADO Data Control

ADO Data Control data can be either read-only or modifiable. To create an application that modifies data using ADO Data Control, do the following.

  1. Set ADO Data Control CursorLocation property. Options are:

    • Server Side

    • Client Side

  2. Set ADO Data Control LockType property. The optimistic concurrency is recommended.

  3. Set ADO Data Control CursorType property. Options are:

    • Keyset Cursor

    • Dynamic Cursor

    • Static Cursor

    Make sure the OLE DB provider supports the chosen option.

  4. Set the data-bound control's properties, as needed, to allow updatability. Note that some controls do not allow updating.

Refer to the ADO documentation for more information on these properties; see Getting Help on Controls.

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