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Active Property

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Applies to: Application object, Document object, TextDocument object, TextWindow object, Window object

Gets or sets whether Developer Studio, a document, or a window is active.


object**.Active** [=boolean]



An expression that evaluates to one of the objects in the Applies To list above. When you access the Active property of the Application object, you can omit object because the name of the Application object is implied when you access its properties and methods.


A Boolean that sets the state of the object. Possible values are:

  • True   Activates the object.

  • False   Deactivates the object.

Return Values

The Active property returns one of the following values:

  • True   The object is active.

  • False   The object is not active.


The Active property has the Boolean type.


The following example browses all open documents for the file MyFile.Cpp. If the file is found, it becomes the active document.

Dim myDocument
For Each myDocument in Application.Documents
   If myDocument.Name = "MyFile.Cpp" Then
      myDocument.Active = True
   End If