set::lower_bound, set::upper_bound, und set::equal_range
Veranschaulicht, wie Auf::lower_bound,Auf::upper_bound, und Funktionen Auf::equal_range Standardvorlagenbibliothek (STL) in Visual C++ verwendet.
template<class _K, class _Pr, class _A>
class set
// Function 1:
const_iterator lower_bound(const _K& _Kv) const;
// Function 2:
const_iterator upper_bound(const _K& _Kv) const;
// Function 3:
_Paircc equal_range(const _K& _Kv) const;
Hinweis |
Die Klasse/Parameternamen im Prototyp stimmen nicht mit der Version in der Headerdatei ab.Einige wurden geändert, um die Lesbarkeit zu verbessern. |
Die lower_bound-Funktion gibt einen Iterator auf den frühesten Element in der kontrollierten Sequenz zurück, die einen Schlüssel aufweist, die dem Wert entspricht nicht der lower_bound-Funktion übergeben wird.Die upper_bound-Funktion gibt einen Iterator auf den frühesten Element in der kontrollierten Sequenz zurück, die ein Schlüssel ist, den Wert upper_bound Anpassen, der an die Funktion übergeben wird.Wenn kein solches Element vorhanden ist, gibt die Funktion endzurück.In beiden Fällen die Funktion set::key_comp(key, *x)*wird verwendet, um zu bestimmen, ob die Tasten übereinstimmen.Die equal_range-Funktion ein Paar, in dem Wert zurückgibt.First ist das Ergebnis der lower_bound-Funktion, und .second ist das Ergebnis der upper_bound-Funktion.
// SetBoundRange.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
// Illustrates how to use the lower_bound function to get an
// iterator to the earliest element in the controlled sequence
// that has a key that does not match the value passed to the
// function. It also illustrates how to use the upper_bound
// function to get an iterator to the earliest element in the
// controlled sequence that has a key that matches the value
// passed to the function. The last thing it illustrates is
// how to use the equal_range function to get a pair value that
// contains the lower_bound and upper_bound results of the key.
// Functions:
// lower_bound Returns an iterator whose value does not match the
// key passed to the function, or end() if no such
// element exists.
// upper_bound Returns an iterator whose value matches the key
// passed to the function, or end() if no such element
// exists.
// equal_range Returns a pair of (lower_bound,upper_bound).
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
typedef set<int> SET_INT;
int main() {
SET_INT::iterator i;
cout << "s1.insert(5)" << endl;
cout << "s1.insert(10)" << endl;
cout << "s1.insert(15)" << endl;
cout << "s1.insert(20)" << endl;
cout << "s1.insert(25)" << endl;
cout << "s1 -- starting at s1.lower_bound(12)" << endl;
// prints: 15,20,25
for (i=s1.lower_bound(12);i!=s1.end();i++)
cout << "s1 has " << *i << " in its set." << endl;
cout << "s1 -- starting at s1.lower_bound(15)" << endl;
// prints: 15,20,25
for (i=s1.lower_bound(15);i!=s1.end();i++)
cout << "s1 has " << *i << " in its set." << endl;
cout << "s1 -- starting at s1.upper_bound(12)" << endl;
// prints: 15,20,25
for (i=s1.upper_bound(12);i!=s1.end();i++)
cout << "s1 has " << *i << " in its set." << endl;
cout << "s1 -- starting at s1.upper_bound(15)" << endl;
// prints: 20,25
for (i=s1.upper_bound(15);i!=s1.end();i++)
cout << "s1 has " << *i << " in its set." << endl;
cout << "s1 -- s1.equal_range(12)" << endl;
// does not print anything
for (i=s1.equal_range(12).first;i!=s1.equal_range(12).second;i++)
cout << "s1 has " << *i << " in its set." << endl;
cout << "s1 -- s1.equal_range(15)" << endl;
// prints: 15
for (i=s1.equal_range(15).first;i!=s1.equal_range(15).second;i++)
cout << "s1 has " << *i << " in its set." << endl;
s1 -- starting at s1.lower_bound(12)
s1 has 15 in its set.
s1 has 20 in its set.
s1 has 25 in its set.
s1 -- starting at s1.lower_bound(15)
s1 has 15 in its set.
s1 has 20 in its set.
s1 has 25 in its set.
s1 -- starting at s1.upper_bound(12)
s1 has 15 in its set.
s1 has 20 in its set.
s1 has 25 in its set.
s1 -- starting at s1.upper_bound(15)
s1 has 20 in its set.
s1 has 25 in its set.
s1 -- s1.equal_range(12)
s1 -- s1.equal_range(15)
s1 has 15 in its set.
Header: <set>