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includes (STL Samples)

Veranschaulicht, wie die Funktion schließt ein Standardvorlagenbibliothek (STL) in Visual C++ verwendet.

template<class InputIterator1, class InputIterator2>
   inline bool includes(
      InputIterator1 First1,
      InputIterator1 Last1,
      InputIterator2 First2,
      InputIterator2 Last2



Die Klasse/Parameternamen im Prototyp stimmen nicht mit der Version in der Headerdatei ab.Einige wurden geändert, um die Lesbarkeit zu verbessern.

Die schließt ein Algorithmus sucht nach einer Sequenz von Werten in einer anderen Sequenz von Werten.schließt ein gibt true wenn jedes Element im BereichFirst2[zurück.Last2) ist in der Sequenz [First1.Last1).Diese Version umfasst davon ausgeht, dass beide Sequenzen mithilfe **operator<**sortiert werden.


// includesP.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc

// disable warning C4786: symbol greater than 255 characters,
// okay to ignore
#pragma warning(disable: 4786)

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>

using namespace std;

int main()
    const int VECTOR_SIZE = 5 ;

    // Define a template class vector of strings
    typedef vector<string > StringVector ;

    //Define an iterator for template class vector of strings
    typedef StringVector::iterator StringVectorIt ;

    // Define a template class deque of strings
    typedef deque<string > StringDeque ;

    //Define an iterator for template class deque of strings
    typedef StringDeque::iterator StringDequeIt ;

    StringVector CartoonVector(VECTOR_SIZE) ;
    StringDeque CartoonDeque ;

    StringVectorIt start1, end1, it1 ;
    StringDequeIt start2, end2, it2 ;

    // Initialize vector Vector1
    CartoonVector[0] = "Aladdin" ;
    CartoonVector[1] = "Jasmine" ;
    CartoonVector[2] = "Mickey" ;
    CartoonVector[3] = "Minnie" ;
    CartoonVector[4] = "Goofy" ;

    start1 = CartoonVector.begin() ;  // location of first
                                      // element of CartoonVector

    end1 = CartoonVector.end() ;  // one past the location last
                                  // element of CartoonVector

    //Initialize list CartoonDeque
    CartoonDeque.push_back("Jasmine") ;
    CartoonDeque.push_back("Aladdin") ;
    CartoonDeque.push_back("Goofy") ;

    start2 = CartoonDeque.begin() ; // location of first
                                    // element of CartoonDeque

    end2 = CartoonDeque.end() ; // one past the location last
                                // element of CartoonDeque

    //sort CartoonVector and CartoonDeque alphabetically
    //includes requires the sequences
    //to be sorted.
    sort(start1, end1) ;
    sort(start2, end2) ;

    // print contents of CartoonVector and CartoonDeque
    cout << "CartoonVector { " ;
    for(it1 = start1; it1 != end1; it1++)
        cout << *it1 << ", " ;
    cout << " }\n" << endl ;
    cout << "CartoonDeque { " ;
    for(it2 = start2; it2 != end2; it2++)
        cout << *it2 << ", " ;
    cout << " }\n" << endl ;

    //Is CartoonDeque a subset of CartoonVector?
    if(includes(start1, end1, start2, end2) )
        cout << "CartoonVector includes CartoonDeque"
        << endl ;
        cout << "CartoonVector does not include CartoonDeque"
        << endl ;



CartoonVector { Aladdin, Goofy, Jasmine, Mickey, Minnie,  }

CartoonDeque { Aladdin, Goofy, Jasmine,  }

CartoonVector includes CartoonDeque


Header: <algorithm>

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