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This interface allows a caller to determine whether a port supplier can preserve ports (by writing them to disk) between invocations of the debugger and then get a list of those preserved ports.

IDebugPortSupplier3 : IDebugPortSupplier2

Notes for Implementers

A custom port supplier implements this interface to support persisting or saving port information to disk. This interface must be implemented on the same object as the IDebugPortSupplier2 interface.

Notes for Callers

Call QueryInterface on the IDebugPortSupplier2 interface to obtain this interface.

Methods in Vtable order

In addition to the methods inherited from the IDebugPortSupplier2 interface, this interface supports the following:




Returns whether the port supplier can persist ports (by writing them to disk) between invocations of the debugger.


Returns an object that can be used to enumerate through all ports that were written to disk by this port supplier.


If a port supplier can persist ports across invocations, it should implement this interface. Ports should be loaded when the port supplier is instantiated, and written to disk when the port supplier is destroyed.

A debug engine typically does not interact with a port supplier and will have no use for this interface.


Header: msdbg.h

Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop

Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll

See Also




Core Interfaces