IVsExternalFilesManager.AddDocument Method
Programmatically tells the Miscellaneous Files project to add a node.
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.dll)
Function AddDocument ( _
dwCDW As UInteger, _
pszMkDocument As String, _
punkDocView As IntPtr, _
punkDocData As IntPtr, _
ByRef rguidEditorType As Guid, _
pszPhysicalView As String, _
ByRef rguidCmdUI As Guid, _
pszOwnerCaption As String, _
pszEditorCaption As String, _
<OutAttribute> ByRef pfDefaultPosition As Integer, _
<OutAttribute> ByRef ppWindowFrame As IVsWindowFrame _
) As Integer
Dim instance As IVsExternalFilesManager
Dim dwCDW As UInteger
Dim pszMkDocument As String
Dim punkDocView As IntPtr
Dim punkDocData As IntPtr
Dim rguidEditorType As Guid
Dim pszPhysicalView As String
Dim rguidCmdUI As Guid
Dim pszOwnerCaption As String
Dim pszEditorCaption As String
Dim pfDefaultPosition As Integer
Dim ppWindowFrame As IVsWindowFrame
Dim returnValue As Integer
returnValue = instance.AddDocument(dwCDW, _
pszMkDocument, punkDocView, punkDocData, _
rguidEditorType, pszPhysicalView, _
rguidCmdUI, pszOwnerCaption, pszEditorCaption, _
pfDefaultPosition, ppWindowFrame)
int AddDocument(
uint dwCDW,
string pszMkDocument,
IntPtr punkDocView,
IntPtr punkDocData,
ref Guid rguidEditorType,
string pszPhysicalView,
ref Guid rguidCmdUI,
string pszOwnerCaption,
string pszEditorCaption,
out int pfDefaultPosition,
out IVsWindowFrame ppWindowFrame
int AddDocument(
[InAttribute] unsigned int dwCDW,
[InAttribute] String^ pszMkDocument,
[InAttribute] IntPtr punkDocView,
[InAttribute] IntPtr punkDocData,
[InAttribute] Guid% rguidEditorType,
[InAttribute] String^ pszPhysicalView,
[InAttribute] Guid% rguidCmdUI,
[InAttribute] String^ pszOwnerCaption,
[InAttribute] String^ pszEditorCaption,
[OutAttribute] int% pfDefaultPosition,
[OutAttribute] IVsWindowFrame^% ppWindowFrame
function AddDocument(
dwCDW : uint,
pszMkDocument : String,
punkDocView : IntPtr,
punkDocData : IntPtr,
rguidEditorType : Guid,
pszPhysicalView : String,
rguidCmdUI : Guid,
pszOwnerCaption : String,
pszEditorCaption : String,
pfDefaultPosition : int,
ppWindowFrame : IVsWindowFrame
) : int
Type: System.UInt32[in] Defines the __VSCREATEDOCWIN flags, which determine how the document window is created.
Type: System.String[in] Path to the document. The environment uses this path to register the view in the Running Document Table (RDT).
Type: System.IntPtr[in] Pointer to the IUnknown interface for the document view object to be displayed within the document window.
Type: System.IntPtr[in] Pointer to the IUnknown interface of an object representing the document data object of the document that is being added in situations where there is view or data separation. For example, the core text editor has a text view object (VsTextView Object) and the text buffer object (VsTextBuffer Object). This parameter can be nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). Passing nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) causes the environment to create an instance of a default implementation of the punkDocData on the behalf of the caller.
Type: System.Guid%[in] Unique identifier of the editor factory that created an instance of the document view and document data objects. This should be GUID_NULL if the document is not constructed using an editor factory (that is, an instance is created with private knowledge of a particular project).
Type: System.String[in] String to identify the physical view type for the editor.
Type: System.Guid%[in] Specifies the GUID that indicates what set of menus should be merged into the main menu bar when this document is active. It is used for turning on visibility of commands and tool windows.
Type: System.String[in] Initial caption defined by the document owner (that is, the project) for the document window. This is often of the format: "ProjectName – ItemName."
Type: System.String[in] Initial caption defined by the document editor for the document window. This is typically a string enclosed in square brackets (for example, [Read Only]). The initial value of this parameter is returned as an [out] parameter in the CreateEditorInstance Method.
Type: System.Int32%[out] Can be nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the caller does not want the default position information for the window. true if the environment did not have any information saved about the last position of this tool window (that is, guidPersistenceSlot was not found), hence it was placed in some default location on the screen. false if this window was placed where the user last located and sized it.
Type: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsWindowFrame%[out] Pointer to the frame containing this editor, which can be used to manipulate the location, size, caption, and other properties of the window. It can also be used to get the IUnknown interface pointer of the embedding (that is, the punkDocView or the punkDocData).
Return Value
Type: System.Int32
If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.
COM Signature
From vsshell.idl:
HRESULT IVsExternalFilesManager::AddDocument(
[in] LPCOLESTR pszMkDocument,
[in] IUnknown *punkDocView,
[in] IUnknown *punkDocData,
[in] REFGUID rguidEditorType,
[in] LPCOLESTR pszPhysicalView,
[in] REFGUID rguidCmdUI,
[in] LPCOLESTR pszOwnerCaption,
[in] LPCOLESTR pszEditorCaption,
[out] BOOL *pfDefaultPosition,
[out] IVsWindowFrame **ppWindowFrame
Very similar to CreateDocumentWindow Method. AddDocument does not include the parameters ItemId and pUIH (a pointer to IVsHierarchy) because the Miscellaneous Files project assigns its own ItemId and the pUIH pair, and uses the rest of the AddDocument parameters to create a document window.
- Full trust for the immediate caller. This member cannot be used by partially trusted code. For more information, see Using Libraries from Partially Trusted Code.
See Also
IVsExternalFilesManager Interface